From the fast complex wordplay on Nutmeg to the slower Child's Play, this album is the audio form of Staten Island rap. From the RZA beats and other samples, Ghostface shows he's the star of the show and the Wu isn't gone. Ironically, there's more of an Ironman theme here than the actual Ironman album. It's one of the best albums of 2000 for sure(If not the best). There's not a single song I can skip on this album. Ghost's storytelling skills makes me feel like I'm right there sneaking around with Ghost myself. Supreme Clientele is Starks' album version of the Wu Tang Clan "Wu Tang Clan Ain't Nothing to F With" with strong and confident lyricism, focused production, and it did a great job of establishing Ghost as one of the best in the Clientele is personally my favorite Ghostface album. Even the little stuff like Starks' trademark humor is shown, not only on the tracks, but also on skits like "Who Would You Fuck?". I'll take listening to Nutmeg and Buck 50 over Iron Maiden and Box in the Hand any day of the week. Supreme also wasn't feature heavy like Iron Man. Supreme shows Stark as a MC force to be reckoned with. While I loved the soulful, more down to earth IronMan.Starks was a rookie when it came to solo projects. Tony Starks seemed to be more confident in his lyrical ability and the production was mastered as RZA was entering his prime, with some great assistance from Juju and Mathematics. I love IronMan more than Supreme, but I have to say that Supreme is better in every way. Two albums from that discography, his first two albums, IronMan and Supreme Clientele have stood the test of time. Again, Supreme Clientele is an excellent album, but on a overall scale Ironman is better to Killah will always be one of my favorite MCs. With tracks like Camay, Winter Warz, and Wildflower, the lyrics hit home hard, and not to mention that it's sometimes very funny to me. To me, the latter is a lot more raw, engaging, and better yet, all the more entertaining. It's like the holy grail of GFK people may say Supreme Clientele is his best rounded work, but I gotta give it to Ironman. He was old enough to not do some of the shit he spoke on, but young enough to do it anyway because reasons. Lyrically, it showcased GFK at a great time. From the flips of the 1960s Iron Man theme to, well, practically every goddamned song from that album, the sample game was on point. But, I'm a sucker for obscure-ass samples.

Let me stop being a wannabe hipster and be for real. Let's get I say Fishscale or even his 07 joint, because those were flames? No? Alright. Ghostface has one of the best catalogs ever and today we compare two of his best albums.